A project within the framework of the Second Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme
The main goal of this research programme is to strengthen AUB's position as an international research centre in the field of Political Science and European Studies and to reinforce the academic ties between Switzerland and Hungary. Joint research projects between AUB and Swiss partners are to be carried out in three Focus Areas:
Focus Area 1: Strategic Challenges for Small and Middle-sized States
Focus Area 2: Democratic Innovations
Focus Area 3: European Perspectives for the Western Balkans Region
Based on the results of these joint research projects, the following activities will be implemented:
Furthermore, the project includes activities intended to strengthen relations between AUB and its Swiss partner institutions, as well as a scholarship programme for talented but disadvantaged students:
For further information please visit: https://svajcialap.hu/en
Supported by the Swiss contribution to reducing economic and social disparities in the EU.
Photo © Barta Bálint, Képszerkesztőség
Current scholarship opportunities: